Sunday 25 May 2014

May Barkbox

This months BarkBox was only 4 items, but one of Tarantino's favourite boxes so far. This month he got 2 toys and 2 types of treats. He has learned he needs to sit while I take a picture before he can take anything as you can tell from his unimpressed face below :) 
Here is a close up of the 4 items. I got the 6 month subscription of BarkBox for large dogs making it a little cheaper, since I am in Canada I have to pay extra shipping.. so for the 6 months it is $24 a month. 

It's a little difficult for me to find the prices of some items found in BarkBox since most of them are American and cannot be found in Canada, but this is what I found for this month.

The item that he grabbed first out of the box was the kitty toy. His name is Rozcoe the corduroy kitty from the company Loopies. I have found this item priced anywhere between $26 to $35, so this item pays for the box on it's own. Usually he kills toys with squeakers and stuffing pretty fast but he has not been able to with this toy yet. 
The other toy is the Megalast Ball from JW Pet which costs 12.99. This is the type of material that he likes to chew and it bounces all over the place making it a great toy for him to chase around.
The first bag of treats he got is Nootie's BBQ Chicken jerky which is made in the USA and can be broken easily into smaller pieces if needed. These cost 12.99 for 16 oz, the bag in the box was 5 oz.
The second box of treats are apple cobbler from Snicky Snaks. He always loves treats like these and they are very healthy. The ingredients are oat flour, rye flour, oats, brown rice syrup, canola oil, apples, cinnamon, ginger, whole eggs and nonfat milk - all organic. They cost 9.99 for a box.

So the total value of this box is between 53 and 62 dollars plus tax if you were to purchase in a regular store. 

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